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3 . teodora, maria, sophia, audrey, sukanya, silviu
big umbrella project
# Victoria’s secret (name of the project)
Narrative puzzle in a post-industrial city
build your own utopia
territorial image, reading territory on different levels
ref. Bernard Cache, earth move: the furnishing of territories
Is there a right way to understand a city ?
-> methodology:
identify parts of the city with different identities
then how to visualize this
video : effecto koulechov 1/ 2 /3
difference of perception
result :
The narrative puzzle of Victoria City
http://superserios.ro/Narrative- puzzle
puzzle with photos or stories of Victoria
#Who is Victoria ?
is it the city of roses
special part of the city = the mountains
# perceived image of victoria maps made by summer camp participants on the first day
confront perspectives
swinmming pool
sofia from china
language difference shall not be a barrier, but an asset, icebreaker
fav place of victoria (swimming pool)
other q: what do you want to change in victoria
victoria’s swing
– inside / outside perspcetives inside perspective of victoria maps made by citizens of V
historial part : hitorical perspective
extract from monography of the city = loop with dana’s talk 1st day
third layer of id o the city, image a city can give trhough time
a zine to document the different layers of understanding Victoria
each page indiv info, when you read the book info is always layered
third side, after geo / id / different victorias
3. different victorias
silvio :: first photos of victoria , without no people
first person major / zoomba
what is victoria .silvio, sophia, rosanne and …. names …
subjective vision
different scales / stories
talk to as many people as possible
picnic (was cool)
include and meet the people
candy bar / mountans for free
crystal eye – people back to victoria, after living in roma / london etc…
make the message on candy bars ! COME IN VICTORIA !
! cat !
———————– QUESTIONS —————————– ————-
q : talking about diff kind of perspectives, we had different answers, ex roses were planted bc smell factory… not loose individuals perspetives
a: outside point of vue –
so little questions,
so little typing…

Welcome to Etherbox!
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3 . teodora, maria, sophia, audrey, sukanya, silviu
big umbrella project
# Victoria’s secret (name of the project)
Narrative puzzle in a post-industrial city
build your own utopia
territorial image, reading territory on different levels
ref. Bernard Cache, earth move: the furnishing of territories
Is there a right way to understand a city ?
-> methodology:
identify parts of the city with different identities
then how to visualize this
video : effecto koulechov 1/ 2 /3
difference of perception
result :
The narrative puzzle of Victoria City
http://superserios.ro/Narrative- puzzle
puzzle with photos or stories of Victoria
#Who is Victoria ?
is it the city of roses
special part of the city = the mountains
# perceived image of victoria maps made by summer camp participants on the first day
confront perspectives
swinmming pool
sofia from china
language difference shall not be a barrier, but an asset, icebreaker
fav place of victoria (swimming pool)
other q: what do you want to change in victoria
victoria’s swing
– inside / outside perspcetives inside perspective of victoria maps made by citizens of V
historial part : hitorical perspective
extract from monography of the city = loop with dana’s talk 1st day
third layer of id o the city, image a city can give trhough time
a zine to document the different layers of understanding Victoria
each page indiv info, when you read the book info is always layered
third side, after geo / id / different victorias
3. different victorias
silvio :: first photos of victoria , without no people
first person major / zoomba
what is victoria .silvio, sophia, rosanne and …. names …
subjective vision
different scales / stories
talk to as many people as possible
picnic (was cool)
include and meet the people
candy bar / mountans for free
crystal eye – people back to victoria, after living in roma / london etc…
make the message on candy bars ! COME IN VICTORIA !
! cat !
———————– QUESTIONS —————————– ————-
q : talking about diff kind of perspectives, we had different answers, ex roses were planted bc smell factory… not loose individuals perspetives
a: outside point of vue –
so little questions,
so little typing…