Utopie c’est nul part

/PRESENTATIONS/REIMAGINING UTOPIAS/Utopie c’est nul part by Dana Diminescu Fragments of a drifting monograph   At first, Victoria was a nameless military project. The place, a Carpathian highland (a mountain summit, the Gîrdoman) covered in forests down to the foot of the mountain and criss-crossed by abundant wild rivers that descended towards a prairie covered with tall grass and dog rose...
Dana Diminescu's artworks:

Dana Diminescu

Dana Diminescu is born in Victoria. She is a sociologist and Professor at Institut Polytechnique de Paris. She is known for her work on the “connected migrant”, and for a number of epistemological and methodological innovations in her research, questioning classical theories in migration studies. In particular, she designed and co-ordinated the e-Diasporas Atlas, which was first runner up of its...
Dana Diminescu's artworks: